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High Blood Pressure Treatment Coconut Creek FL

Close up of senior man getting his blood pressure checked during medical examination in the hospital.

High Blood Pressure

Coconut Creek Chiropractor Treatment for High Blood Pressure

Hypertension, often referred to as high blood pressure, is a prevalent and potentially dangerous medical condition characterized by elevated pressure in the blood vessels, placing added stress on the heart, brain, and kidneys. Shockingly, one in every three individuals in the United States is affected by this condition, yet many remain unaware of it because it typically doesn’t manifest with direct or noticeable pain. The underlying causes of hypertension vary from person to person and can stem from factors such as lifestyle, genetics, and other health-related issues.

Unchecked high blood pressure presents a significant risk factor for serious health complications, including cardiovascular diseases, kidney dysfunction, and strokes. Although medication is a commonly prescribed method to manage hypertension, these medications often carry unwanted side effects.

The encouraging news is that chiropractic care offers a natural alternative. Dr. Barnard and his dedicated team in Coconut Creek provide effective treatment for high blood pressure without the reliance on pharmaceuticals. Through chiropractic interventions, individuals experiencing hypertension can explore a drug-free approach to managing and mitigating this health concern.

What Is Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure refers to the force exerted by the blood against the walls of the arteries as it flows through the circulatory system. It is typically expressed as two numerical values: systolic pressure over diastolic pressure, measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). For example, a normal blood pressure reading is often around 120/80 mm Hg.

Here’s what these values mean:

Systolic Pressure (the higher number):

This is the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats and pumps blood into the arteries. It represents the maximum pressure in the arteries during a cardiac cycle.

Diastolic Pressure (the lower number):

This is the pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest between beats, i.e., when the heart is not actively pumping blood. It reflects the minimum pressure in the arteries.

Chiropractic Care for High Blood Pressure

Chiropractic care has emerged as a promising avenue for alleviating high blood pressure. Recent studies have indicated that skillful chiropractic interventions can be equally effective as two commonly prescribed medications for managing hypertension. While this might seem surprising, the rationale is straightforward.

Any mechanical disruption within the spinal column that leads to the compression of nerves can obstruct proper communication between the brain and the body’s organs. In the context of high blood pressure, these nerves responsible for regulating blood pressure can be impeded by a misaligned atlas vertebra, which is situated right beneath the skull at the very top of the spine.

Dr. Barnard specializes in rectifying such spinal misalignments, including the correction of the atlas vertebra. By addressing these issues, chiropractic care aims to restore the unimpeded communication within the central nervous system, thereby facilitating better communication with the heart and ultimately helping to rebalance blood pressure levels.

Contact our Coconut Creek Chiropractor today!

Call us at (561) 626-9555 to make an appointment.
